
Employment Service

Empowering Your Career Journey

At Action on Disability (AoD), we believe that everyone has the right to fulfilling employment. Our Employment Services are designed to support disabled people in finding, securing, and thriving in work that matches their skills, interests, and aspirations.

Our Approach

Understanding that each individual’s needs and career goals are unique, our approach is highly personalised. We work closely with job seekers, employers, and partners to create inclusive employment opportunities. Our services are tailored to overcome the barriers that disabled people often face in the employment market.

Action on Disability Partners

Services Offered

1. Career Advice and Guidance:

  • Personalised career planning to help you identify your career goals and the steps needed to achieve them.
  • CV writing workshops and interview preparation sessions.

2. Job Matching and Placement:

  • Assistance in finding suitable job vacancies.
  • Support during the application process.
  • Job matching services to connect you with inclusive employers looking for your skills.

3. In-Work Support:

  • Ongoing support once you are in employment, including workplace adjustments.
  • Advice on managing your health at work.
  • Support with career progression and development.

4. Employer Engagement:

  • Working with employers to create inclusive and accessible workplaces.
  • Providing disability awareness training for employers and colleagues.
  • Assistance with implementing reasonable adjustments and Access to Work applications.

5. Supported Internships and Apprenticeships:

  • Opportunities for young disabled people to gain valuable work experience through internships and apprenticeships.
  • Tailored support throughout the internship or apprenticeship, ensuring a positive and productive experience for both the intern/apprentice and the employer.

Get Involved

For Job Seekers:

If you’re a disabled person looking for work or seeking to change careers, our Employment Services team is here to support you. Contact us to start your journey towards meaningful employment.

For Employers:

If you’re an employer committed to diversity and inclusivity, we can help you access a talented pool of disabled candidates. Partner with us to make your workplace truly inclusive.

Success Stories

Our Employment Services have supported numerous individuals in achieving their career goals. From securing first jobs to facilitating career changes and promotions, our success stories are a testament to the potential that can be unlocked with the right support.


“When I came to AoD they helped me out a huge amount; they got my confidence up and gave me good advice and guidance. They set me up with a trial at the National Theatre. At the end of the trial the National offered me a paid job. I was so proud of myself. AoD are still supporting me and it makes a huge difference to know that they are there by my side. Disabled people can work if you give them a chance to show you what their skills are, I’d like to support other disabled people so they don’t sit indoors and feel like they can’t do it; just get out there and follow your dreams.”


Former Intern working at the National Theatre – Employed for 5 years

Due to Covid-19 I was about to be made redundant from the National Theatre, and I needed support and help to find work, due to my impairment I needed help with applications, CV, interviews and work adjustments.  Action on Disability helped me with training and improving my confidence and independence. Now, I am working 3 different part time jobs; Usher at the National Theatre; Radio presenter and Social Media Assistant and Peer Support Facilitator. I am very grateful for their help and hope to stay in touch.”



Former intern who lost his job at Nando’s due to Covid-19

 “I was on a supported internship and placement when we went into Lockdown so I could not finish my placements. I had a part time job at Nando’s but unfortunately, I was made redundant due to Covid-19. Action on Disability have been very helpful and have helped me with interview skills, job applications and lot of general advice.”


We’re so pleased that Alastair, one of our supported interns, is doing so well in his job at Gail’s Bakery. He undertook three placements organised by AoD, and then applied for the job, supported by our job coach. “I even prefer this to an office; I love working with a really nice team over the money”. Alastair aspires to become a manager of the bakery one day and is glad to have his foot in the right place on the career ladder.

Contact Us

To learn more about our Employment Services or to register your interest as a job seeker or employer, please visit our Contact Us page. Our team is ready to support you in taking the next step towards inclusive employment.

A special thanks to those who make AoD’s Employment Service such a success:

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