
Direct Payment Support Service

Service available to Hammersmith & Fulham residents only

Direct Payments are funds provided by Hammersmith and Fulham Council to eligible individuals requiring social care services. This initiative is designed to empower you with the flexibility, choice, and control to arrange your own care services, ensuring they meet your specific needs and preferences.

Getting Started with Direct Payments

Setting Up Your Direct Payment:

Upon referral by your social worker or assessor, our team at AoD is here to guide you through every step of setting up and managing your Direct Payment. Our support includes:

  • Personalised Management Plans: Tailoring your payment plans to suit your lifestyle.
  • Provider Selection: Helping you choose the right agency or provider for your care.
  • Community Activities: Facilitating payment for community activities and engagements.
  • Council Monitoring: Explaining the oversight process by the council.

Employing a Personal Assistant

Your care, your choice. We assist in the entire process of hiring a personal assistant, from drafting job descriptions to conducting interviews and managing employment contracts. Our comprehensive support covers:

  • Job advertisement placement.
  • Interview and reference check assistance.
  • DBS checks, insurance setup, and employment contracts.

Advice, Information, and Peer Support

Navigating Direct Payments:

Whether you’re considering Direct Payments for the first time or seeking deeper insights, our team is ready to answer all your questions. We offer:

  • One-on-one consultations to introduce you to the Direct Payments scheme.
  • Connections with existing Direct Payment users for peer advice.
  • Signposting to other beneficial organisations and resources.
  • Ongoing support to ensure smooth management of your Direct Payments.

Training and Development

Enhancing Skills for You and Your Personal Assistant:

AoD hosts a variety of training sessions aimed at equipping you and your personal assistant with essential skills. From first aid to deaf awareness, our training ensures everyone involved is confident and competent. Upcoming sessions include:

  • First Aid Training: [Details and Eventbrite link]
  • Deaf Awareness Training: [Details and Eventbrite link]
  • Learning Disability Training Online: [Eventbrite link]

Ongoing Online Training Available:

  • Health and Safety Awareness
  • Infection Control
  • Equality and Diversity

For a full list of training opportunities and to register, visit our training page

You can also Email: or Call 0207 385 2098.

Upcoming Training:

Direct Payment Peer Support Group

Join our Peer Support Group to connect with others using Direct Payments in Hammersmith and Fulham. It’s a space to share experiences, address concerns, and gain insights from guest speakers on various topics. Meetings are held both in-person and online, ensuring you can participate regardless of your location.


The group meet regularly at AoD’s offices, Centre for Independent Living, Mo Mowlam House, Clem Attlee Court, London, SW6 7BF. The group send information shared at each meeting to everyone who has signed up. This means that people who can’t attend don’t miss out!

Meetings are accessed in person at our offices or via Zoom. Please contact us for the meeting link, we can also send you some guidance on how to use the platform.

If you are on Facebook, click here to join our Peer Support Facebook Group!


T: 0207 385 2098 or 020 3080 0380


Essential Resources

Factsheets and Guidance

We’ve developed a range of factsheets in collaboration with our partners, offering valuable information on managing Direct Payments and employment responsibilities.

Get in Touch

For more information on Direct Payments or to join our support services and training sessions, please contact us:


Our team at Action on Disability is committed to supporting you in achieving greater independence and control over your care and support.

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