
Annual General Meetings

A Tradition of Transparency and Engagement

At Action on Disability, our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is a cornerstone event that reflects our commitment to transparency, accountability, and member engagement. It’s an opportunity for us to share our achievements, challenges, and future directions with our members, stakeholders, and the community we serve. The AGM is not just a statutory requirement; it’s a celebration of our collective efforts and a forum for dialogue and development.

Looking Forward to 2024

While details of the 2024 AGM are being finalized, we encourage our members and interested parties to stay tuned for announcements. The upcoming AGM will continue to build on our tradition of inclusive engagement, featuring reports from our Board of Trustees, updates on our projects and campaigns, and opportunities for members to contribute to the discussion.

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Reflecting on 2023

The 2023 AGM, held on 14th November, was a significant event that brought our community together to reflect on the year’s achievements and set the stage for future initiatives. Highlights included the nomination of new trustees, discussions on financial stewardship, and the unveiling of new projects and campaign work. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all who participated and contributed to the vibrant discussions.

Please see enclosed documents:

  • AGM Minutes on 29th March 2023
  • Annual Report and Accounts for 2022-23
  • Summarised Accounts for 2022-23
  • AGM Agenda

We are very much looking forward to welcoming you to the AGM next week.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information and/or access needs support at the AGM.

Contact Us

For more information about our AGMs, to express interest in becoming a trustee, or to inquire about access needs for attending the meeting, please don’t hesitate to get in touch:


Your participation is crucial to our success and helps ensure that AoD remains responsive, inclusive, and driven by the needs and aspirations of the disabled community.

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