

Gratitude and Recognition

At Action on Disability, we are profoundly grateful to our funders, whose generosity and support enable us to continue our vital work. Our funders range from public sector bodies and private foundations to corporate sponsors and individual donors. Each contribution plays a crucial role in empowering disabled individuals and promoting inclusivity within our community.

Our Key Supporters

We are proud to be supported by a diverse group of organisations and individuals committed to making a difference. Our key funders include:

Local Government Grants

We receive crucial funding from local councils, particularly the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, which supports our core services and specific projects.

Charitable Trusts and Foundations

Generous grants from trusts and foundations fund various programs, including our Youth Services, Employment Support, and the Our Place Project.

Corporate Partnerships

We collaborate with forward-thinking corporations that provide both financial support and opportunities for our service users.

National Lottery Community Fund

This vital support has enabled us to launch and sustain projects that have a significant impact on our community.

Individual Donors

Contributions from individual supporters help us to continue our work and respond flexibly to new challenges.

The Impact of Your Support

Every pound donated to AoD goes directly towards making a tangible difference in the lives of disabled people. Funding allows us to:

Deliver Specialised Services

From employment advice to social work support, our services are designed to meet the diverse needs of disabled people.

Develop Innovative Projects

Funding supports the creation and continuation of projects like the Our Place Project and Peer Support Groups, which provide safe, inclusive spaces for learning and connection.

Advocate for Change

We use our platform to campaign for the rights of disabled people, influencing policy and raising awareness of key issues.

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